(Yeni) – For officials, civil servants, and public employees in the public sector, there will be 2 sectors that will receive the largest salary increases from July 1, 2024.
Will increase about 30%
Currently, Vietnam is implementing salary policy reform associated with the implementation of the resolution on basic and comprehensive development of education, training and healthcare.
According to information from the Government Portal, Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra said that the salaries of education and health officials will be higher than the average of other civil servants and public employees.
When reforming salaries, the Ministry of Home Affairs will coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Health to request competent authorities to pay attention to adjusting support to ensure the salaries (including allowances) of teachers. , doctors are increased corresponding to their requirements and job positions, both ensuring the general salary level of officials, civil servants, and public employees, and showing incentives for these industries.
According to the salary reform plan, it is expected that the average average salary of cadres, civil servants and public employees from July 1, 2024 will be increased by about 30% (including basic salary and allowances).
From 2025, this salary will continue to be adjusted to increase by an average of about 7%/year. Thus, education and healthcare are the two sectors receiving the largest salary increases when salary reform begins July 1, 2024.
Content of salary reform for officials and civil servants
In Resolution 27-NQ/TW dated May 21, 2018, the Central Executive Committee clearly stated the content of the salary reform plan for cadres, civil servants, public employees and the armed forces as follows:
The new salary structure will include: Basic salary (accounting for about 70% of the total salary budget) and allowances (accounting for about 30% of the total salary budget). Additional bonus (about 10% of the year’s total salary fund, excluding allowances).
Industries build and issue new payroll systems based on job positions, titles and leadership positions to replace the current payroll system; Change the old salary to the new salary, ensuring it is not lower than the current salary.
The current base salary and salary coefficient will be abolished, replaced by a base salary equal to a specific amount in the new salary table.
For those doing executive or service work (training level below intermediate level): Uniformly implement the labor contract regime according to the provisions of the Labor Code (or service provision contract), The salary schedule of civil servants and public employees is not applied to these subjects.
The lowest salary of civil servants and public employees in the public sector is not lower than the lowest salary of trained workers in the corporate sector. At the same time, complete the regime of regularly increasing salary levels and increasing salary levels ahead of time for officials, civil servants, public employees and the armed forces in accordance with the regulations of the new salary table.
The upcoming allowances will account for a maximum of 30% of the total salary budget, which will reorganize the current allowances as follows:
– Continue to apply part-time allowance; excess seniority allowance; regional allowances; work responsibility allowance; mobility allowance; Allowances for security, national defense and special allowances for the armed forces (army, police, cipher).
– Incorporate preferential allowances according to occupations, responsibility allowances according to occupations and hazardous and dangerous allowances applicable to civil servants and public employees of occupations and jobs with higher working conditions than normal; At the same time, there are appropriate preferential policies for the fields of education and training, health care, courts, procuracy, civil judgment enforcement, inspection, examination, auditing, customs, forestry, and management. market management…
– Combine special allowances, attraction allowances and long-term work allowances in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions into work allowances in especially difficult areas.
– Abolish seniority allowances (except for the military, police, and cipher to ensure salary correlation with officials and civil servants); allowance for consular positions; allowances for party work and socio-political organizations; civil service allowances; toxic and dangerous allowances.
– New regulations on allowances according to administrative unit classification for commune, district and provincial levels.
– Consistently implement monthly allowance funds for part-time workers at the commune level, in villages and residential groups based on the regular expenditure rate of the Commune People’s Committee; At the same time, regulate the maximum number of part-time workers for each type of commune, village, and residential group.
Above is information about the two industries receiving the largest salary increases from July 1, 2024 and the content of the salary reform policy for officials and civil servants.
[yeni-source src=”https://www.giaitri.thoibaovhnt.com.vn/2-nganh-duoc-tang-luong-nhieu-nhat-tu-sau-cai-cach-tien-luong-1-7 -2024-805720.html” alt_src=”https://phunutoday.vn/2-nganh-duoc-tang-luong-nhieu-nhat-tu-sau-cai-cach-tien-luong-1-7-2024- d407950.html” name=”giaitri.thoibaovhnt.vn”]