( Yeni ) – Many people think that when boiling pig intestines, they just need to add a little salt. In fact, this is not the spice that makes boiled pork intestines delicious.
Pig intestines, the internal organs of the pig, are currently the favorite choice of many people. It can be processed into many attractive dishes such as boiled, stir-fried, grilled or fried pork intestines… Each dish brings its own unique flavor, but the intestines still retain their crunchiness, chewiness and fat, an attractive point. Great attraction for enjoyers.
In the group of dishes made from pig intestines, boiled intestines are the most popular dish. This dish does not require too many steps, but is still enough to captivate all diners. Boiled pieces of tripe, white and crispy, chewy and chewy, are often enjoyed with chili garlic fish sauce or a little shrimp sauce, creating a wonderful flavor.
To boil pork intestines to become delicious and crispy white, simply putting the pig intestines in a pot of boiling water to cook is not enough. To have a delicious and attractive plate of boiled pork intestines like in a restaurant, you need to apply the following secrets.
How to choose delicious pig intestines
To enjoy delicious boiled pork intestines, choosing the right pieces of intestines is extremely important. Buy pig intestines at the market early in the morning, when the pig has just been slaughtered, to ensure the freshness of the pork.
In pig intestines, the first part is considered the most delicious with a higher thickness and crispiness than the last part. Choose pieces of intestine that are round in shape, light pink in color, and feel dense to the touch. Pay attention to observe the liquid inside the intestine. This fluid should be milky white. Avoid choosing thin pieces with yellow juice, as they often have a bitter flavor and chewy texture.
Prepare the intestines
After purchasing a delicious piece of pork intestine, proceed with preliminary processing to remove dirt and ensure the intestines are clean and odorless.
Squeeze the intestines with white salt and gently pluck to remove the liquid inside the intestines. Wash the tripe several times with clean water to ensure all juice is removed. Do not squeeze the tripe too hard to avoid making the tripe become tough.
You can cut the tripe into pieces about 30-35 cm long for easy preparation. Place the pieces of tripe in the basin and squeeze with vinegar and salt to remove the liquid, then rinse. Be careful not to squeeze the tripe too hard to avoid making the tripe become tough. If you don’t want to keep the fat on the tripe, cut it off.
Eliminate the bad smell of pig intestines by soaking the intestines in lemon juice or vinegar for 15-20 minutes. Wash the pork intestines afterwards.
Be careful when boiling pig intestines
To cook delicious boiled pork intestines, start by pouring enough water into the pot to cover the intestines. Add lemongrass and ginger, bring to a boil and put the tripe pieces in to boil. Submerge the tripe with chopsticks. Boil for about 2 minutes.
Prepare a bowl of cold water with ice cubes and add lemon juice. Take the tripe out and soak it in a bowl of ice water for 1 minute.
Tiếp tục đun sôi nước và luộc lòng lần 2 trên lửa lớn trong khoảng 1 phút. Lấy nó ra và cho vào tô nước đá. Lặp lại quá trình này 3 lần cho đến khi ruột chín và giòn. Khi lòng đã nguội thì vớt ra và cắt thành từng miếng vừa ăn.
[yeni-source src=”https://www.giaitri.thoibaovhnt.com.vn/luoc-long-lon-dung-cho-muoi-cu-cho-them-thu-nay-dam-bao-long-trang -gion-san-sat-khong-dai-khong-hoi-768510.html” alt_src=”https://phunutoday.vn/luoc-long-lon-dung-cho-muoi-cu-cho-them-thu- nay-dam-bao-long-trang-gion-san-sat-khong-dai-khong-hoi-d392095.html” name=”giaitri.thoibaovhnt.vn”]